Research & Training

Safety & Risk Management course
Technology & Management of Change
Curtail Diesel Emission workshop


Safety Research & Training Centre specializes in the delivery of customizable globally recognized safety risk management programming for Executives, Managers, and Supervisors. MIRARCO has provided training to mining companies across Canada and the US. We also work closely with the safety committees of the Ontario Mining Association (OMA) and the Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM).

Our Focus

Safety and Risk Management

  • Expert advice and testimony regarding legal interpretation of regulatory issues in underground mining.
  • Design and implementation of safety modules for engineering schools in Canada.
  • Regulatory advice in Occupational Health and Safety.
  • Technical expertise in Mining Ventilation.
  • Pre-Start Audits.
  • Design of health and safety programs for supervisors, inspectors, and managers.
  • Technical advice regarding Mine Rescue Emergency Procedures.

Technology and Management of Change

Change plays a significant role in improving mining safety, productivity performance and processes. MIRARCO facilitates and provides instruction on practices in Management of Change policies and procedures.

The International Search to Curtail Diesel Emission Projects

The International search to curtail diesel emission projects and associated workshops/presentations, are aimed at the elimination of diesel soot in mining operations – underground miners #1 hazard.
This applied research is supported by a consortium of Vale Sudbury/Thompson, Glencore, KGHM, Camiro, CANMET, NIOSH/USA, VERT/Switzerland, JM/Germany and TFHudgins/USA.


GMIRM Courses

The Global Minerals Industry Risk Management course (GMIRM) is aimed at anyone with a potential or actual
responsibility for defining and managing site, operation or discipline approaches to risk management. This may include General or Mine Managers, Superintendents, Plant Supervisors, etc.

Bow-tie Analysis

Significant work in facilitating safety risk analysis, using the Bow-Tie tool has been undertaken by MIRARCO. This tool allows for a systematic analysis of the effectiveness of controls in place that would prevent an unwanted event from occurring. Sessions have been held in Sudbury, Goose Bay and St. John’s.