Insightful Seminar
The Breakup of Earth
– from rock fracture modelling to a new hypothesis of Earth evolution
By Prof. Chun’an Tang, Dalian University of Technology
About the talk
The magma ocean that existed on the early Earth finally solidified to form a coherent lithosphere. This lithosphere insulated the underlying mantle leading to warming, thermal expansion, partial melting and a geoid bulge. This in turn resulted in breakup of the lithosphere and the onset of plate tectonics. On a global scale, a cycle of warming, breakup and cooling happened many times throughout geological history. Nevertheless, what triggers the plate tectonics is still unknown. The speaker will present a simple model of Earth evolution as a thermal system, trying to answer many questions about Earth’s history that are as yet unanswered.
Firstly, the speaker shows a three-dimensional model with the real lithospheric topographic parameters, aims to replicate highly Earth-like plates. The results prove that the unexpected regularities in the Earth’s topography is attributed to a globally controlled dynamic system triggered by thermal expansion whereby the Earth tessellation dictated by a fairly regular network of rifts. His modelling results also provide new explanations on a series of conceptions in tectonic plates which have not be understood well, such as the mid-oceanic edges on the oceanic crust and the trip-junctions of the Earth’s stiff layer.
Secondly, the speaker presents a comprehensive Wall Chart, synthesizing global data and evidence from geological events spanning Earth’s history, to unravel the intricate interplay between these events and the Earth’s thermal rhythms. The analysis reveals a compelling nexus between the Earth’s thermal fluctuations and the genesis of key geological events, including the formation of evaporites, red beds, and large igneous provinces. Notably, this Wall Chart prompts a thought-provoking inquiry: what links the two Great Oxidation Events to the two Snowball Earth episodes? Through meticulous examination of empirical data, this study unveils the intricate relationship between thermal cycles and pivotal geological milestones throughout Earth’s history. This deeper understanding not only enriches our knowledge of Earth’s evolutionary journey but also offers insights into the evolution of rocky planets within our Solar System and beyond.
About the speaker:
Dr. C.A. Tang, as a chair Professor (funded by Cheung Kong Scholar Programme from State Education Ministry), is the Director of the Center for Rock Instability and Seismicity Research (CRISR) of Dalian University of Technology, China, and the Chair Professor of Computational Geoscience Research Center, Chengdu University of Technology, China. He is also the Vice President of the Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics CSRM, and the China National Group Chairman of International Society of Rock Mechanics. He got his Ph.D in 1988, from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, and continued his post-doctoral work between 1991-1992, in Imperial College, London, UK. Then, as an academic visitor, he had lots of experience in Canada, Australia, Sweden, Singapore, Switzerland and Hong Kong. He leads several major research projects in rock mechanics, especially on rock failure process analysis and monitoring in civil engineering. So far, he has published more than 300 technical papers on rock failure mechanisms and civil engineering, and is the author of six books of rock mechanics and the lead author of “Rock Failure Mechanisms” published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. In recent years, he is keen on Earth science research, and based on mechanics thinking, he put forward a new theory of Earth Evolution.
September 4, 2024
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm EST
Executive Learning Centre (FA386)
Laurentian University
Ming Cai

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