MIRARCO Newsletter – December 2021

News Stories & Announcements

Dr. Nadia Mykytczuk is added to BacTech Environmental’s Strategic Advisory Board
MIRARCO’s President and CEO, Dr. Nadia Mykytczuk, has been added to the strategic advisory board of BacTech Environmental Corporation. Dr. Mykytczuk, who has been collaborating with the Toronto-based company for over 10 years, is working with their scientific team to discover innovative ways to use BacTech’s green mining technology.

MIRARCO’s first webinar on Natural Heat Exchange Engineering Technology
On November 3rd, MIRARCO hosted its first-ever webinar on the Natural Heat Exchange Engineering Technology (NHEET) project. NHEET is a technology development program for zero-emission conditioning of mine ventilation air. It examines the use of fractured rocks to improve cooling and air delivery in underground mining.

MIRARCO and Laurentian University welcome delegates from Queen’s University
On November 16th, MIRARCO and Laurentian University hosted a delegation of the mining engineering faculty from Queen’s University, led by Dr. Julian Ortiz, to discuss future opportunities to collaborate on industry-specific challenges and research. This opportunity was initiated through MIRARCO with support from the Board of Director co-chairs, Dr. Fred Delabbio, Director, Strategy Focused Innovation (SFI), and Luke Mahony, Vale Head of Geology, Mine Engineering, Geotechnical, Technology & Innovation. Several representatives from Vale also joined in person.

MIRARCO and Laurentian University launch new collaborative project with Peru
MIRARCO, a research arm of Laurentian University, has entered into a new collaboration with Universidad Nacional de Moquegua (UNAM) and CORE Foundation. The research project aims to develop a remediation plan to improve the water quality throughout the Coralaque River watershed in Peru and help the local communities that have been affected by this issue. MIRARCO and Laurentian University recently sent a research team to Peru to begin the first phase of the project.

RPMGlobal acquires three mine planning optimization software products from MIRARCO
MIRARCO has entered a three-year collaborative research partnership with Australian software firm, RPM Global, which includes the acquisition of three mine planning optimization software products. The three software additions will reinforce RPM’s Design and Scheduling.

Upcoming Online Training in 2022 at Canada’s Mining University
The courses are all half-day, online and instructor-led!